Rescue crews in Butler County save dog from rushing floodwater

dog-news-DogRescue“This was a very challenging rescue that could have a very different outcome if attempted by untrained and unequipped people,” Butler County Emergency Communications says.  Continue reading “Rescue crews in Butler County save dog from rushing floodwater”

Helping Mexico’s dog problem could put Canadian pets at risk

dog-news-CanadaMexico has the highest number of street dogs anywhere in latin America. There are roughly 15 million street dogs in the country. Now Canadian pet rescue groups are trying to help the situation.  Continue reading “Helping Mexico’s dog problem could put Canadian pets at risk”

When Dog Meets Her “Twin” On The Way To The Market, Convinces Its Owners To Adopt Him Immediately

dog-news-happy“What made me want to rescue Beast over the other dogs was that he looked just like Rogue. They’re both cairn terrier mixes”  Continue reading “When Dog Meets Her “Twin” On The Way To The Market, Convinces Its Owners To Adopt Him Immediately”